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Ankylosaurus dinosaurs life history


Ankylosaurus is a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs that lived during the late Cretaceous period, about 68 to 66 million years ago. The name Ankylosaurus comes from the Greek words "ankylos," meaning "crooked" or "fused," and "sauros," meaning "lizard." This name refers to the heavily armored, fused plates that covered the dinosaur's body.

 Physical Characteristics

 Ankylosaurus was a large dinosaur, measuring up to 30 feet (9 meters) in length and weighing up to 6 tons (5,443 kg). It had a short, wide body with four short legs and a long, club-like tail. The dinosaur's most distinguishing feature was the armor that covered its body. Ankylosaurus had bony plates fused to its skull, back, and tail, which were designed to protect it from predators.

 The plates on Ankylosaurus's back were thick and oval-shaped, while those on its sides were thinner and triangular. The plates were arranged in rows along the dinosaur's body, with each row overlapping the one in front of it. This arrangement made it difficult for predators to bite through the armor to reach the dinosaur's soft flesh.

 Ankylosaurus's tail was also heavily armored, with large bony knobs at the end that formed a club. The club was used as a weapon to defend against predators, as well as for display and courtship.


 Ankylosaurus was a slow-moving dinosaur that likely spent most of its time grazing on low-lying vegetation. Its heavy armor made it a difficult target for predators, but when threatened, Ankylosaurus could swing its club-like tail with great force, delivering a powerful blow to any attacker.

 It is also believed that Ankylosaurus may have lived in family groups, as some fossils have been found in close proximity to one another. This suggests that they may have had a social structure similar to modern-day elephants or other herd animals.

 Discovery and Classification

 The first Ankylosaurus fossil was discovered in 1906 in Montana, USA, by Barnum Brown, a famous paleontologist who also discovered the first Tyrannosaurus rex fossil. Since then, several other fossils have been found in North America, including Canada and the United States.

 Ankylosaurus is classified as a member of the family Ankylosauridae, which includes several other armored dinosaurs such as Euoplocephalus and Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurids are characterized by their heavily armored bodies, short legs, and wide skulls.


 Ankylosaurus was a fascinating dinosaur with a heavily armored body and a powerful club-like tail. Its unique features allowed it to thrive in the late Cretaceous period, despite the presence of large predators such as Tyrannosaurus rex. Today, we can only imagine what it was like to witness this incredible dinosaur in action, but through fossils and scientific research, we can gain a better understanding of its behavior and physical characteristics.

Despite being heavily armored, Ankylosaurus was not invincible. The dinosaur had a small brain in proportion to its body size, and its eyes were small and set far back in its skull, making it difficult to see predators approaching from the front. Additionally, the dinosaur's short legs made it slow and cumbersome, making it easy prey for fast-moving predators if they could get close enough to attack.

 Ankylosaurus likely used its armor as a defense mechanism to deter predators from attacking in the first place. If a predator did manage to get too close, Ankylosaurus would have used its tail club to deliver a devastating blow. The force of the blow would have been enough to break bones and potentially even kill the attacker.

 The fossils of Ankylosaurus have provided scientists with a wealth of information about the dinosaur's anatomy and behavior. By studying these fossils, scientists can learn about how Ankylosaurus lived, what it ate, and how it interacted with other dinosaurs in its environment.

 Ankylosaurus was a member of a group of dinosaurs known as the armored dinosaurs or ankylosaurs. These dinosaurs are characterized by their heavily armored bodies, with bony plates and spikes covering their backs, tails, and heads. Ankylosaurs were herbivores and likely had a low metabolism, which allowed them to survive on a diet of tough, fibrous vegetation.

 Overall, Ankylosaurus was an incredible dinosaur that lived during a fascinating time in Earth's history. Despite its heavily armored body and powerful tail club, the dinosaur was not invincible, and it had to rely on its wits and strength to survive in a harsh and dangerous world. By studying the fossils of Ankylosaurus and other dinosaurs, scientists can continue to learn about the incredible diversity of life that once existed on our planet


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