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Brachiosaurus Dinosaurs: Facts, Features and Evolution

Brachiosaurus Dinosaurs: Facts, Features and Evolution

Brachiosaurus, meaning “arm lizard” due to its long forelimbs, was a massive herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 154 to 140 million years ago. It was one of the largest land animals ever to roam the earth, with an estimated length of up to 85 feet and weight of up to 80 tons. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the features, behavior, and evolution of Brachiosaurus.

Features of Brachiosaurus

One of the most distinguishing features of Brachiosaurus is its long neck, which measured up to 30 feet in length. Its forelimbs were also longer than its hind limbs, giving it a unique posture where its head was held high, and it could browse vegetation up to 39 feet above the ground. Its teeth were chisel-like, and it had a beak that was used to strip leaves from branches. Brachiosaurus also had a unique respiratory system, where its nostrils were located on the top of its head, allowing it to breathe while submerged in water.

Behavior of Brachiosaurus

Being herbivores, Brachiosaurus were likely solitary animals, but could also form herds during migration or in areas with abundant food. Due to their massive size, they were slow-moving and could only reach a top speed of around 5 mph. Brachiosaurus were also likely active during the day, as their eyes were large and positioned on the sides of their head, giving them a wide field of vision to detect predators.

Evolution of Brachiosaurus

Brachiosaurus belonged to the family of sauropod dinosaurs, which were characterized by their long necks, small heads, and massive bodies. Sauropods appeared during the Late Triassic period and diversified during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Brachiosaurus was one of the last surviving sauropods, with its fossils found in North America, Africa, and Europe.

Brachiosaurus extinction

The cause of Brachiosaurus’ extinction is still unknown, but it’s believed to have been a combination of factors, including climate change, volcanic activity, and competition for food resources. The Late Jurassic period was characterized by a warm and humid climate, but towards the end of the period, the climate became drier and cooler, leading to changes in vegetation patterns. This could have affected the food sources of Brachiosaurus and other herbivorous dinosaurs, leading to their decline.


Brachiosaurus is a fascinating dinosaur that roamed the earth millions of years ago. Its long neck, massive size, and unique posture make it one of the most recognizable dinosaurs. Although it’s extinct, we can still learn a lot about its behavior and evolution from fossils and scientific research. Studying dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus helps us understand the history of our planet and the diversity of life that existed before us.

Moreover, Brachiosaurus played an important role in the ecosystem of the Late Jurassic period. Being large herbivores, they likely played a crucial role in shaping the vegetation patterns of their environment. Their massive size and slow movements would have also made them less vulnerable to predators, which may have allowed them to occupy a unique ecological niche in their ecosystem.

The discovery of Brachiosaurus fossils has also contributed to our understanding of dinosaur anatomy and evolution. The long necks of sauropod dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus have puzzled scientists for decades, with some speculating that they may have used them to reach aquatic plants or to compete with other herbivores for food. However, recent research suggests that the long necks of sauropods may have evolved primarily for sexual selection, as males with longer necks were more attractive to females.

In conclusion, Brachiosaurus is an important part of our planet's natural history, and studying it has contributed significantly to our understanding of dinosaur evolution and ecology. While we may never know for sure why these magnificent creatures went extinct, their fossils and scientific research allow us to appreciate the immense diversity of life that existed on our planet millions of years ago. Brachiosaurus serves as a reminder of how much our planet has changed over time and how much we still have to learn about the history of life on Earth


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