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Velociraptors dinosaurs history about

Velociraptors, a genus of dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, are known for their sharp teeth, deadly claws, and fierce hunting abilities. These predators were relatively small compared to other dinosaurs, but what they lacked in size, they made up for in agility and intelligence. Let's take a closer look at these fascinating creatures.

Physical Characteristics

 Velociraptors were bipedal, meaning they walked on two legs. They were about 6 feet long and weighed around 30 pounds. Their bodies were covered in feathers, which likely helped regulate their body temperature and may have also been used for display purposes. Velociraptors had long, stiff tails that they used for balance, and their hind legs were powerful, allowing them to run and jump with incredible speed and agility.

 Perhaps the most distinctive feature of Velociraptors was their sickle-shaped claws on their feet. These claws were up to 6 inches long and were used to grab and hold prey. Velociraptors also had sharp, serrated teeth, which they used to tear apart their prey.


Habitat and Range

 Velociraptors lived in what is now Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous period, around 75-71 million years ago. They lived in a range of different habitats, including forests, plains, and riverbanks. Fossils of Velociraptors have been found in Mongolia, China, and Russia.

Hunting and Diet

 Velociraptors were carnivorous, and their diet likely consisted of small to medium-sized animals, including other dinosaurs. They were skilled hunters and may have hunted in packs, using their intelligence and agility to take down larger prey. Velociraptors likely used their claws to grab onto their prey, while their teeth tore through flesh and bone.


 Despite their fearsome reputation, Velociraptors may have had complex social behaviors. Fossil evidence suggests that they may have hunted in groups and may have had some form of communication, possibly through vocalizations or body language. They were also intelligent, with a brain-to-body size ratio similar to that of modern birds.



 Velociraptors, like all non-avian dinosaurs, went extinct around 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. The exact cause of their extinction is still a subject of scientific debate, but it is likely that a combination of factors, including a large asteroid impact and volcanic activity, led to their demise.



 Velociraptors were fierce predators that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Despite their small size, they were intelligent and agile hunters, with sharp claws and teeth. While they went extinct millions of years ago, they continue to captivate our imaginations as one of the most fascinating and fearsome creatures to have ever walked the Earth

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